Dr. Andrea Seim
Professorship representation
Chair of Forest and Forestry History
Tennenbacher Str. 4
79106 Freiburg
E-Mail: Andrea.Seim@wwd.uni-freiburg.de
Research foci
- Woodland/forest history: management history, wood utilization, felling dates
- Climate-environmental-human interactions: multi-proxy studies
- Historical food security: climate and grain prices, yield history, medieval and early modern times
- Paleoclimatology: long-term reconstructions, regional- to large-scale networks, natural and documentary proxy archives
- Dendroarchaeology: Dendrochronological dating, reconstruction of settlement development, woodworking techniques, construction types
- Cultural heritage: artworks, old masters
- Timber trade: dendroprovenancing, timber transport
- Settlement history: construction timber, felling dates, dendroarchaeology, human history
- Spatio-temporal dynamics: GIS-based analyses, e.g. historical market integration (grain prices), Christianisation process in Scandinavia (runestones)
Winter term
- Environmental History (B.Sc. Environmental Sciences & Forest Sciences)
- Forest Management in Social Change (M.Sc. in Environmental and Forest Sciences)
- Forest and wood utilisation in the Black Forest (B. Sc. Environmental Sciences & Forest Sciences
- Contributions in Analysis of Forest Policy (B.Sc.), Professional Approaches and Research Skills (M.Sc.)
Summer term
- Forest History (B.Sc. Forest Sciences)
Ongoing and past projects
- Grain at any price: Geographical patterns of food security in pre-industrial Europe (Swedish Research Council; 2024 – 2026)
- Wood as a historical archive: First insides into wood utilization and burial traditions of the late Scythians in Kyrgyzstan (Fritz Thyssen Stiftung; 2024)
- Disentangling socio-political and climatic factors for food insecurity in early modern northern Europe (c. AD 1500–1800) (Swedish Research Council) (2020 – 2023)
- Long-term trends in European tree growth over the past 1000 years – an interspecies comparison (DFG; 2018 – 2019)
- Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Project (Artois-Baillet Latour Foundation; 2016 – 2022)